Wow! It has been a long time since I have posted! In that time the preschool where I have worked for the last 4 years has regrettably closed. I am now providing preschool and childcare from my home. The children all adjusted seamlessly, however I have had a rather difficult time!
Preschool is now underway and the first week was filled with learning how to use glue sticks, markers, scissors, etc...
Our theme for the first week was On the Farm and we examined circles, the color red and the number 1.
The children's favorite part seemed to be finding circles so we had a Perfectly Circley Day! We found circles all around us, from the screw heads on the cabinets to the clock on the wall! We used markers to draw circles on red paper and then stuck circle foam stickers on for some extra fine motor practice. We practiced drawing circles in the air with our fingers for pre-writing practice. We found different ways to make circles with our bodies for large motor skills! We sang songs about circles and even ate circles! For breakfast we had Cheerios in a circle bowl; morning snack was apples cut into circle slices with peanut butter and raisins; lunch was English muffin pizza with circle pepperoni (which are also red!), banana circles and carrot circles! The kids were especially amazed at the apples cut in to circle slices :)
Of course my favorite part is always...Books! We read...
The Rabbit books by Alan Baker are some of my favorite for teaching basic concepts as the children are captivated by the silly things the rabbits do!
Next week...Apples!